The Painters of Pompeii

Archaeological Museum of Bologna
Italy, Bologna
23 september 2022 - 1 may 2023

Days of exhibition

The exhibition, curated by Mario Grimaldi and produced by MondoMostre, is the result of a cultural and scientific collaboration between the Municipality of Bologna | Museo Civico Archeologico and the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, which includes the exceptional loan of more than 100 works from the Roman period belonging to the collection of the Neapolitan museum, where the world's largest collection of antiquity is preserved.

The exhibition project focuses on the role of pictores, i.e. the artists and artisans who realized the decorative apparatuses of the houses located in the Pompeii, Herculaneum and Vesuvian areas. The exhibit aims to contextualize their social and economic status in the society of the time, as well as to analyze their techniques, tools, colors and models. In fact, the extremely important heritage of images  – splendid frescoes with still vivid colors, often of large dimensions – that these authors have left us with reflect the tastes and values of a varied commission and allows us to better understand the mechanisms underlying the studios' system of production.

For the first time, Bologna will host masterpieces - just to name a few - from the domus del Poeta Tragico, dell’Amore Punito, and from the Villas of Fannio Sinistore in Boscoreale, and the Villa dei Papiri in Herculaneum. 


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
10 a.m.- 7 p.m;
Saturday, Sunday and weekday holidays
10 a.m.- 8 p.m.


Full € 14 | Reduced € 12 | Schools € 5

The Painters of Pompeii

Artworks |

  • Filosofo con Macedonia e Persia
    Boscoreale, Villa di Fannio Sinistore
    I secolo a.C.

  • Afrodite e Marte
    Pompei, Casa dell'amore punito
    I secolo d.C.

  • Achille a Sciro
    Pompei, Casa dei Dioscuri
    I secolo d.C.

  • Admeto e Alcesti
    Pompei, Casa del Poeta Tragico
    I secolo d.C.

  • Attore con maschera
    I secolo d.C.

  • Oreste e Pilade davanti a Ifigenia
    Ercolano, Casa vicino al Teatro
    I secolo d.C.

  • Giasone e Pelia
    Pompei, Casa di Giasone
    I secolo d.C.

  • Stucco policromo con figura femminile alla porta
    Pompei, Casa di Meleagro
    I secolo d.C.

  • Parete in quarto stile con Nature Morte (xenia))
    Pompei, casa di Giulia Felice
    I secolo d.C.

  • Ercole e Onfale
    Pompei, Casa di Marco Lucrezio
    I secolo d.C.

  • Didone abbandonata
    Pompei, Casa di Meleagro
    I secolo d.C.

  • Ritratto di Paride
    I secolo d.C.

  • Giudizio di Paride
    I secolo d.C.

  • Ercole Onfale (Ercole ubriaco)
    Pompei, Casa del Principe di Montenegro
    I secolo d.C.

  • Paesaggio idilliaco sacrale
    Ercolano, Villa dei Papiri
    I secolo a.C.

  • Paesaggio idilliaco sacrale
    Pompei, Casa dei Capitelli Colorati o Casa di Arianna
    I secolo d.C.

Trailer |

Take a look at the preview of the exhibition

Extra |

Interviews, insights, curiosities, anecdotes