Lorenzo Lotto. Pellegrino Tibaldi

Complesso Monumentale di San Francesco
Italy, Cuneo
25 november 2023 - 1 april 2024

Days of exhibition

Masterpieces from Santa Casa di Loreto

Enigmatic, hard to place within specific categories, he is today being rediscovered thanks to his originality and versatility – everything in Lorenzo Lotto’s works speaks to us of modernity: from his ability to use an exceptionally wide palette of painted colours, to his highly emotional deployment of shading, right through to the constant interplay of the gazes and gestures that bind his characters together. In Cuneo, the masterpieces of Lorenzo Lotto come face-to-face with the detached frescoes of Pellegrino Tibaldi – another great Renaissance artist and architect – thus charting an unexplored history of feeling, faith and pictorial cross-pollination. The exhibition affords an opportunity to investigate the reciprocal influence between Lotto and Tibaldi: two masters from different backgrounds who found themselves, albeit for a brief period, working on the Santa Casa di Loreto. Equally important are the references in the exhibition to Marian-Lauretan worship, which remains very much alive in Piedmont, as evinced by the innumerable artefacts scattered all across the region. The exhibition, curated by Vito Punzi, and promoted by Fondazione CRC and Intesa Sanpaolo, in partnership with MondoMostre, will be open to visitors from 25 November 2023 until 27 March 2024, and is being staged within the stunning Monumental Complex of San Francesco.

Free admission

Tuesday to Friday: 3:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Open in the mornings for pre-booked groups and schools

Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 am - 7:30 pm

Lorenzo Lotto. Pellegrino Tibaldi

Artworks |

Trailer |

Take a look at the preview of the exhibition

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Interviews, insights, curiosities, anecdotes