Raphael. Sunshine of the Arts

Reggia di Venaria Reale
Italy, Turin
September 26, 2015 - January 24, 2016

Days of exhibition

The exhibition curated by Gabriele Barucca and Sylva Ferino is centered around a group of famous masterpieces Raphael. These illustrate the artist’s prodigal career, the people he met during his life, the cities in which he lived, and include the predella with the Stories of Mary’s Life, the Processional Cross, St. Sebastian and The Angel. A selection of works by the masters that were fundamental in shaping Raphael’s career will document the artist’s training. These include his father, Giovanni Santi, as well as Perugino, Pinturicchio and Luca Signorelli. The exhibition also aims to present an unusual take on Raphael’s genius, that is his influence and investment in the ‘applied arts’: tapestries, ceramics, coins, rock crystal, medals, glass, armor and engravings on loan from museums in Italy and abroad. 


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Raphael. Sunshine of the Arts

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